Adopter's Section
Login to the Adopter's Section
In order to provide more comprehensive materials to adopters of Multivariate Data Analysis we have created an “adopter’s-only” section where we can make many more materials readily available to faculty using the textbook. This is not seen as a replacement for the publisher’s website, but a supplement providing a more extensive set of materials for the faculty member teaching multivariate statistics In addition to material provided by the authors (e.g., not only the “basic” PowerPoint presentations but “enhanced” versions as well), other faculty may contribute materials that they deem appropriate for distribution only to faculty members.
We encourage all faculty to contribute materials which will be distributed in this section restricted to only adopters of the text.
Request Access to the Adopter's-Only Section
Faculty members using any edition of Multivariate Data Analysis will be provided access to the “adopter’s-only” section. We ask that you contact us through the form below. Please provide course information and any URL link verifying the use of the textbook.
Adopter Login Request
Enter your contact and course information below for access to the Adopter’s Section: