Why Choose Us
This website is the home of Multivariate Data Analysis, first published in 1979 and which has become a mainstay in statistical analysis education all over the world. Multivariate Data Analysis provides students with the information required to apply all of the basic techniques of data analysis in both theoretical and practical situations. Multivariate Data Analysis has gone through eight editions so far. The Overview section contains details on how each edition has changed and what new perspectives and information they provide for the betterment of the field. The current Eighth Edition provides an updated perspective to the analysis of multiple types of data as well as new techniques that are now considered foundational in the modern field of analytics. Multivariate Data Analysis is the ultimate resource for graduate and postgraduate students who have chosen analytical studies as part of their business career. Here you’ll find all the important information to the book’s contents as well as how to acquire it for your studies or classroom.
About Us
Each of the authors of Multivariate Data Analysis, Eighth Edition have been deeply involved with quantitative analysis throughout their academic careers. Their collaboration on this textbook came as the result of an interest in developing an applications-oriented introduction to multivariate analysis for the non-statistician. In doing so, both the basic techniques of multivariate analysis as well as the “cutting-edge” developments can be presented in a manner amenable to both academicians and non-academicians alike.
Some Perspectives on Multivariate Data Analysis
In recent years several of the authors have written of their perspective on their journey in the field of multivariate analysis or the evolution of the text over the 40 plus years since its initial publication.
- “Musings On A Distinguished Methods Career And Beyond” by Joe Hair which appeared in a recent volume of Research Methodology in Strategy and Management
- “Multivariate Data Analysis: Its Approach, Evolution, and Impact“ by William Black and Barry J. Babin which appeared a book of commemorative essays The Great Facilitator: Reflections on the Contributions of Joseph F. Hair, Jr. to Marketing and Business Research.

Bios of the Authors
For years Multivariate Data Analysis has been a collaborative effort designed to illustrate every possible angle in the field in a way that remains approachable, which is why it shouldn’t be a surprise that the authors behind our book include some of the best professors in the field. Each author brings his academic knowledge and practical experience to provide a business-centric approach to the book that allows readers to understand how these concepts apply in both common research contexts as well as real life. Their research publications provide insight into how to offer value through the field of analytics to a wide range of research questions. Moreover, the extensive teaching experience of each author provides a keen pedagogic focus to the book.

Joseph F. Hair, Jr., Ph.D.
Dr. Hair is the Director of the Ph.D. Program in Business Administration and Cleverdon Chair of Business, Mitchell College of Business, University of South Alabama. He previously developed one of the first U.S. non-traditional doctoral programs at Kennesaw State University, and before that was on the faculty of the Ourso College of Business Administration, Louisiana State University, where he held the Copeland Endowed Chair of Marketing. He earned his Ph.D. in Marketing from the University of Florida, Gainesville, where he was a United States Steel Foundation Fellow.
Joseph F. Hair, Jr., Ph.D.
Dr. Hair is the Director of the Ph.D. Program in Business Administration and Cleverdon Chair of Business, Mitchell College of Business, University of South Alabama. He previously developed one of the first U.S. non-traditional doctoral programs at Kennesaw State University, and before that was on the faculty of the Ourso College of Business Administration, Louisiana State University, where he held the Copeland Endowed Chair of Marketing. He earned his Ph.D. in Marketing from the University of Florida, Gainesville, where he was a United States Steel Foundation Fellow.
Joe has been recognized by Clarivate Analytics as being in the top 1% globally of all Business and Economics professors, for the years 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021, and as #1 globally in Marketing, Multivariate Data Analysis, and PLS-SEM. He was selected for these awards based on citations of his research and scholarly accomplishments, which for his career exceed 293,000 citations. His other scholarly metrics include an H-Index of 101 and an I-10 index of 433.
Joe has co-authored over 85 editions of his books, including Multivariate Data Analysis, Cengage Learning, U.K., 8th edition 2019 (cited 162,500+ times and one of the top three all time social sciences research methods textbooks); Marketing, Cengage Learning, 13th edition, 2020; Essentials of Business Research Methods, Routledge, 4th edition 2020; Essentials of Marketing Research, McGraw-Hill, 5th edition 2020; A Primer on Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling, Sage, 3rd edition, 2022; A Primer on Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling: R Software Version, Springer, 2022; and Essentials of Marketing Analytics, McGraw-Hill, 2021. His new book on Essentials of Sales Analytics will be available in the fall of 2022, Chicago Business Press.
He has also published 150+ articles in scholarly journals such as the Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Academy of Marketing Science, Organizational Research Methods, Journal of Advertising Research, European Journal of Marketing, Journal of Family Business Strategy, European Management Journal, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Long Range Planning, Journal of Marketing Theory & Practice, Industrial Marketing Management, Journal of Retailing, and others.

William Black
Dr. Black is Professor Emeritus, past holder of the Piccadilly, Inc. Business Administration Business Partnership Professor in the Department of Marketing, Ourso College of Business at Louisiana State University. He is the co-author of the book Multivariate Data Analysis, now in its eighth edition and has published numerous articles in professional journals such as the Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Retailing, Journal of Services Research, Journal of Services Marketing, Journal of Business Research, PLOS One, Growth and Change, Transportation Research, Journal of Real Estate Research, Economic Geography, along with a number of chapters in scholarly books.
William Black
Dr. Black is Professor Emeritus, past holder of the Piccadilly, Inc. Business Administration Business Partnership Professor in the Department of Marketing, Ourso College of Business at Louisiana State University. He is the co-author of the book Multivariate Data Analysis, now in its eighth edition and has published numerous articles in professional journals such as the Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Retailing, Journal of Services Research, Journal of Services Marketing, Journal of Business Research, PLOS One, Growth and Change, Transportation Research, Journal of Real Estate Research, Economic Geography, along with a number of chapters in scholarly books. He is a member of the American Marketing Association, Association for Consumer Research and Association of American Geographers.

Barry J. Babin, Ph.D.
Barry J. Babin, Ph.D. (LSU), is Morris Lewis Professor and Chair of Marketing at the Ole Miss Business School and the Executive Director of the Academy of Marketing Science® (www.ams-web.org). He has authored over 100 professional publications with research appearing in the International Journal of Wine Business Research, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Marketing, Journal of Retailing, Journal of Business Research (JBR), Journal of Consumer Research, International Journal of Research in Marketing, the Journal of Wine Research, and many others.
Barry J. Babin, Ph.D.
Barry J. Babin, Ph.D. (LSU), is Morris Lewis Professor and Chair of Marketing at the Ole Miss Business School and the Executive Director of the Academy of Marketing Science® (www.ams-web.org). He has authored over 100 professional publications with research appearing in the International Journal of Wine Business Research, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Marketing, Journal of Retailing, Journal of Business Research (JBR), Journal of Consumer Research, International Journal of Research in Marketing, the Journal of Wine Research, and many others. The h-index, which demonstrates impact for his publications exceeds 80. His research emphasis areas include wine marketing, marketing analytics, meta-analyses, and designing effective retail customer experiences. Barry is Past-President of the Academy of Marketing Science (AMS), Co-Chair of the AMS Board of Governors, the AMS Co-Director of International Programs, and a previous recipient of the prestigious AMS Harold W. Berkman Distinguished Service Award. He served as Marketing Section Editor for JBR for over 15 years and has won outstanding reviewer awards from multiple journals. He is coauthor of several leading books including CB: A Consumer Value Framework, Multivariate Data Analysis, and Exploring Marketing Research.

Rolph Anderson
Rolph Anderson is the Royal H. Gibson, Sr. Chair Professor Emeritus of Marketing and former Head (1975-1997) of the Department of Marketing at Drexel University. He earned his Ph.D. from the University of Florida, and his MBA and BA degrees from Michigan State University where he was a member of the varsity basketball team after being selected First Team All-State in high school. His primary research and publication areas are personal selling and sales management, customer relationship management, and customer satisfaction/loyalty. He is author or co-author of more than twenty textbooks, including Multivariate Data Analysis, 8th ed. — one of the most highly referenced research textbooks ever in the social sciences (among top five all-time) — translated into various languages including Spanish, Portuguese, and Chinese editions; Personal Selling, 3rd ed.; and Sales Force Management, 2nd ed. According to Google Scholar Citations, his publications have been referenced over 200,000 times in scholarly journals and books.
Rolph Anderson
Rolph Anderson is the Royal H. Gibson, Sr. Chair Professor Emeritus of Marketing and former Head (1975-1997) of the Department of Marketing at Drexel University. He earned his Ph.D. from the University of Florida, and his MBA and BA degrees from Michigan State University where he was a member of the varsity basketball team after being selected First Team All-State in high school. His primary research and publication areas are personal selling and sales management, customer relationship management, and customer satisfaction/loyalty. He is author or co-author of more than twenty textbooks, including Multivariate Data Analysis, 8th ed. — one of the most highly referenced research textbooks ever in the social sciences (among top five all-time) — translated into various languages including Spanish, Portuguese, and Chinese editions; Personal Selling, 3rd ed.; and Sales Force Management, 2nd ed. According to Google Scholar Citations, his publications have been referenced over 200,000 times in scholarly journals and books.
Dr. Anderson’s research has been widely published in the major journals in his field, including articles in the Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Marketing, Journal of Retailing, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, MIT Sloan Management Review, Journal of Experimental Education, Journal of Consumer Affairs, Journal of Global Marketing, Journal of Marketing Education, European Journal of Marketing, Psychology & Marketing, Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing, International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, Journal of Business Research, Advances in International Marketing, Business Horizons, Journal of Managerial Issues, Industrial Marketing Management, Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, Journal of Product and Brand Management, Risk Management, Journal of Historical Research in Marketing, Journal of Marketing Channels, Journal of Marketing Theory & Practice, Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, and others.
Professor Anderson has served several professional organizations as an officer, including: President, Southeast Institute for Decision Sciences (IDS); Secretary and Board of Directors, Academy of Marketing Science; President, University of Florida Beta Gamma Sigma Chapter; Board of Directors, American Marketing Association (Philadelphia Chapter); Vice President for Programming, American Marketing Association (Philadelphia Chapter); National Council, Institute for Decision Sciences; Board of Directors, Northeast IDS; and Co-Chair, 61st International American Marketing Association Conference. He has served and currently serves on the editorial boards of several academic journals.