Eighth Edition

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Do you need a Multivariate Data Analysis Textbook?

Multivariate Data Analysis has been through 8 editions since its first publication back in 1979.

Welcome to Multivariate Data Analysis 8e

The field of multivariate data analysis is one that gains more relevance with each passing year. Data is one of the most important resources in our modern world. And as the choices and variables of interest get more varied over time, the importance of analyzing and properly compiling multiple variables concerning large amounts of data has become more nuanced. At the end of the day multivariate data analysis is a type of statistical analysis that involves more than two different yet interdependent variables that result in a single outcome. 

A fundamental premise of multivariate analyses are the fact that our complex reality is tied to countless variables that can affect the outcome of almost any situation. From shopping trends to the weather or even behavioral patterns, most of the reality can be understood through the lenses of multivariate data analysis. Thankfully there’s a way to grasp these advanced concepts with ease as multivariate data analysis is not only a field of study, but also the name of our book.

Our Committment

 Multivariate Data Analysis has been through 8 editions since its first publication back in 1979. It’s a premier resource for graduate-level courses (Masters and PhD levels) by providing an approachable  presentation of the field for both statisticians and non-statisticians alike.  This is the home of Multivariate Data Analysis and your one-stop shop for complete mastery of the field.

Multivariate Data Analysis Book - 8th Edition - Latest
Multivariate Data Analysis Books in Edition 5, 6 and 7th.

Our History

History Chart of Multivariant Data Analysis